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Insegno l'italiano con:

The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)





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The town of travertine, 100 towers, squares, churches, theaters, carnival, quintana, Anisetta, olives and cremini.

The town of travertine, 100 towers, carnival, quintana, olives, churches and squares, Anisetta and Cremini, "vasche in piazza", cafes and theaters is welcoming you!

Welcome to one of the oldest and most fascinating cities in Italy and one of the least known and admired by tourists at the same time. Welcome to what was the capital of the Piceno first and the so called "the little Rome" nowadays. Welcome to the city where you can taste the best local foods and drinks, where in a short time you can reach the sea or the mountains, where you can experience the true Italian folklore and traditions. 


Italian Lessons in Ascoli Piceno

The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)

Italian Classes in Ascoli Piceno

The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)
The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)
The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)eyJpdCI6IlRoZSBCZXN0IEZhY2UgdG8gRmFjZSBDbGFzcyBvZiBJdGFsaWFuIExhbmd1YWdlIGluIEFzY29saSBQaWNlbm8gKE1hcmNoZSBSZWdpb24sIEl0YWx5KSIsImVuIjoiQ2FmZuggTWVsZXR0aSBBc2NvbGkgUGljZW5vIEl0YWxpYW4gT25saW5lIExhbmd1YWdlIExlc3NvbnMgb2YgSXRhbGlhbiBMYW5ndWFnZSBPbmxpbmUifQ==The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)

Online Classes... and then?

Online classes are perfect for studying, learning and improving Italian language before you visit Italy. You will realize how important and efficient our classes have been, only when you are ready to practice your knowledge in Italy while speaking with natives. However, even if you have never studied Italian before, it is possible to arrange a summer course (or just some Face to Face Classes) in the beautiful downtown of Ascoli Piceno, which is also a great chance to discover an original and peculiar area of Italy. 


Are you planning to visit Italy soon?

Do you dream to buy a holiday home here?

It's time to learn Italian!!

The Best Face to Face Class of Italian Language in Ascoli Piceno (Marche Region, Italy)



Night and Day Downtown Tour of Ascoli Piceno

- 00,00€ for my online students

- 20,00€ per hour for new visitors

(individual, pairs or small group)



Face to Face Classes 

Lessons of Italian language for individuals or in pairs (grammar, conversation and exercises) while visiting the town or sitting in a cafè/restaurant

- 20,00€ for my online students and new visitors


Daily Lessons

Monday - Saturday

07:00am. - 11:00pm.

(Central European Time)


For further information, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Ascoli Piceno, Marche Region, central Italy
