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Grammatica: I Principali Verbi Riflessivi (con Traduzione in inglese)

2024-12-03 15:10


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Grammatica: I Principali Verbi Riflessivi (con Traduzione in inglese)

Livello Base (A1)

Verbi Riflessivi in Inglese


Addormentarsi - to fall asleep

Affrettarsi - to hurry, to rush

Aiutarsi - to help each other, to help ourselves

Alzarsi - to get up, to lift, to rise

Ammalarsi - to get sick, become ill

Annoiarsi - to bore oneself

Aprirsi - to open oneself (flowers, feelings and emotions)

Arrabbiarsi - anger oneself

Arruolarsi - volunteer oneself, enlist

Aspettarsi - to expect for oneself


Cambiarsi - to change oneself

Candidarsi - to present as a candidate, apply

Colorarsi - to color oneself

Confondersi - to be confused, mistaken

Conoscersi - to get to know


Distrarsi - to be distracted

Divertirsi - to enjoy oneself


Farsi - cook, make, prepare for yourself

Fermarsi - to stop ourselves, to wait

Fingersi - to pretend to be


Impegnarsi - to work hard

Incontrarsi - ourselves to meet up

Informarsi - inquire, find out, inform oneself

Innamorarsi - to fall in love

Iscriversi - to sign up, be a part of


Lamentarsi - to complain

Lavarsi - to wash myself


Mettersi - to put on, wear oneself, stand yourself there


Pettinarsi - comb your hair

Prepararsi - to prepare oneself

Presentarsi - to introduce oneself, make an appearance, show up


Raffreddarsi - to cool down/off oneself

Recarsi - to take oneself, to go oneself recur - to bring, to carry

Rompersi - to break itself


Sbagliarsi - make a mistake

Scambiarsi - to change places, exchange

Sentirsi - to feel

Specchiarsi - to look at oneself (in the mirror/specchio)

Sbrigarsi - to hurry, to rush (see affrettarsi)

Spogliarsi - to get undressed, take off clothes

Stancarsi - to be bored, weary, tired

Stupirsi - surprise oneself

Svegliarsi - to wake


Tagliarsi - cut oneself

Truccarsi - put on your makeup


Ubriacarsi - To get drunk


Vestirsi - to dress oneself